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Al Jazeera Anchor Mustafa Ashour Met with University Students at TV Anchoring Workshop

Al Jazeera Anchor Mustafa Ashour Met with University Students at TV Anchoring Workshop
The TV Anchoring Workshop, organized in cooperation with Ibn Haldun University Media Center, the Foundation for the Talebesi of Knowledge and Al Jazeera Media Institute, was successfully completed.

The intensive TV Anchoring Workshop held at IHU Media Center Shireen Abu Akleh Studio between 24-28 June 2024 was given by Mustafa Ashour, one of the anchors of Al Jazeera Mubasher. The TV Anchoring Workshop, the first joint training program organized after the cooperation protocol signed between Ibn Haldun University and Al Jazeera Media Institute, was attended by Ibn Haldun University students as well as local and international students who continue their education at different universities.

At the beginning of the five-day workshop program, students gained basic knowledge about the journalistic aspects of the TV anchor profession. The role of anchors' tone of voice, speaking speed and the way they look at the camera as a narrative tool in anchoring was discussed in detail. In addition to examining the examples given by Mustafa Ashour from different types of programs, the students who participated in the workshop gained practical experience by doing various exercises on television program preparation and presenting.     

At the certificate ceremony held on the last day of the TV Presentation Workshop, Ibn Haldun University Faculty of Communication faculty members and the managers of the Foundation for the Talebesi of Knowledge came together. Kaan Şentürk, Research Assistant at the Faculty of Communication, started the ceremony by presenting examples of the students' workshop activities. The television programs prepared and presented by the students, who worked under the guidance of Mustafa Ashour from Al Jazeera Mubasher for a week, received great appreciation from the guests who attended the ceremony. The ceremony ended with the presentation of certificates to the students who successfully completed the workshop.
